MEPs... Say What!? Tweets of the Week
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Who says EU politicians are a bunch of faceless bureaucrats? They're people just like us, and here's the proof. Each week Cafébabel will be bringing you a selection of the weirdest, whackiest and most touching Tweets from European parliamentary candidates. We'll bring you bright ideas, brilliance and loonies, and reasons to vote in the May elections
Tweet Translation: Strasbourg is a beautiful city, but the expensive EU travelling circus has to stop! #SingleSeat
According to Jorg Leichtfried, and many other MEPs for that matter, there is no point in the parliament sitting 4 days a month in Strasbourg, whilst holding the rest of the parliamentary sessions in Brussels. His tweet says this travelling circus costs 200 million euros a year.
Translation: "#Hightone will soon release their new album"
Eric Mahuet heads the list for the French branch of the Pirate Party. This Tweet brought this nice little band from Lyon to our attention. Founded in Sweden in 2006, the Pirate Party advocate reform of copyright law and pen sharing of information, including music. They boast the European parliament's youngest member, 27 year old Amelia Andersdotter.
Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, has sparked off a huge twitter scandal. According to the European Green Party, he exploited his presidential account to gain followers on his “candidate for the Eu Commission” account. All his previous followers were automatically shifted to the second one without being asked. Funnily enough and a complete accident of course, the Greens have inadvertently promoted the aforementioned Pirate Party!
In response to embattled Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's blocking of Twitter, writer, lecturer and broadcaster, Jonathan Fryer, gives an interesting break down of the world's biggest tweeters.
And one last token tweet which was too good to leave out!
Translation: "A picture speaks a thousand words #PutIN"
Angela Merkel emerges from the arse of Uncle Sam. What on earth was she doing in there, I hear you ask? She was brown nosing America and rolling over for Russia, according to this eurosceptic tweeter.