A quick shop at tesco? Chanel's got just the outfit for you
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Monika PronczukSo France is facing another grand revolution of everyday life. After Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet discovered the joys of using public transport, Karl Lagerfeld decides to rebrand supermarkets as the birthplace of new fashion trends.
What inspired Karl Lagerfeld’s latest fashion show? Was it Jarvis Cocker’s Common People? Was it the BBC’s Supermarket Secrets? Well regardless of where the idea actually came from, it offers a fascinating opportunity to see how the world of ‘normal people’ is imagined by a millionaire who wants to marry his own cat.
Chanel’s show at this year’s Paris Fashion Week was refreshingly transparent – you could actually have been fooled into thinking that the models really do shop in supermarkets, or even better – that they actually eat. Moreover, no one could deny its educational functions – for many guests it was the opportunity to see the inside of a supermarket for the first time. The stars of the show were, among others, boxes of Chanel eggs, probably laid by appropriately stylish hens. As for the fashion dimension, we learned that the appropriate outfit for a quick shop at Tesco consists of neon tracksuit bottoms, oversized coats and miniature shopping baskets for 17,000 euros, interchangeable with feather dresses. The models even wore trainers with the most elegant outfits. Is this trend for trainers, a feature of street fashion for over a year, going to become a permanent fashion fixture?
Anyway, I’d like to inform all fashion bloggers that Tesco is the new place to be. Seriously, it’s not even me saying it – this time I’m just passing on the message from Karl Lagerfeld.
Chanel Autumn/Winter 2014 in Grand Palais, on the 4th of March.
Translated from Chanel proponuje stylizacje na wypad do Tesco