It is our money, but their destiny
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Between December 6-7 2010, the European days of development are held in Brussels under the aegis of the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
In the meanwhile, between the years of 2010 – 2011, 19 African countries are celebrating their 60th anniversary of independence, which constituted the beginning of a new dynamic between the so-called “developed” countries in the north and the developing countries in the south.
“To what utility is our money spent by the NGOs? Who is in charge of rating the priority regarding the different actions? Do the projects coincide with the real needs of the local population?...”
There are numerous stereotypes and preconceived ideas upon the area of development assistance. In order to get a closer look on these questions, some young Europeans take off to Africa and Haiti, followed by a rolling camera, they meet with men and women committed to work with humanitarian projects carried out by Caritas, Comide (Missionary Cooperation for Development), Entraide & Fraternité and ACF (Action Against Hunger), many of which are founded by European financial ends.
Alexandra and Medea pay a visit to the Salesian Centre of Ivato, backed by COMIDE. Here they welcome around 200 youths aged between 12 and 22, orphans, in social, domestic or scholastic difficulty. The Centre provides the youths with a professional, social and spiritual education with the aim of giving a helping hand in their introduction to the labour market and stepping into the Malagasy society.
PLAY VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHYptr8iPsA
Our reporters cross the canal of Mozambique setting course toward South Africa, a country that is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the liberation of Nelson Mandela. Here, the Salesians of Don Bosco offer to men and women living on the streets of Cape Town, an education, know-how and competencies in finding a professional activity.
PLAY VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj7O8Y7wmZ8&feature=related
Julie and Joëlle discover a country that is just recently rising from the gory conflicts between Hutus and Tutsis. By the Tanzanian border, they visit a “peace village”, where CARITAS is active. The peace village is an innovating concept in the peace process and that of reconciliation in Burundi. From there they continue to the inland of Burundi, where they get acquainted to a project of micro-credit allowing households to take loans and develop minor business activities.
PLAY VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8wN_-TxtH8&feature=related
Julie and Joëlle then set course to the other riverside of the lake Tanganika and to Bukavu located in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bukavu is known as a “dark spot” on our globe for its repetitive conflicts. In partnership with a local NGO, the Entraide & Fraternité and the Anti-bwaki Committee back a development programme sprung from a local initiative. They carry out actions aiming to enhance the role of women in the Congolese society, where women traditionally often are marginalised. On the road, the two reporters make a stop to visit a centre of rehabilitation of ex-child soldiers.
PLAY VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESD118ObZDE
In Port-au-Prince, Anna, who has been an Erasmus intern at Cafebabel.com in Paris, meets up with Julie – our reporter in Burundi and Congo. Eight months later, Julie has taken on the role as project coordinator with the NGO Action Against Hunger (ACF) in Haiti. Together with Anna and Julie, we discover a dozen portraits of young men and women who have chosen to step in and commit to an emergency situation.
PLAY VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_cgRUdDO7s&feature=related
Reporters: Anna Sennö, Alexandra Jastrzebska, Medea Savary, Julie Mayans, Joëlle Verriest
Video director: André Bossuroy
Contact: [email protected]
Production: Louvranges Broadcast (Belgium)
With the financial support of the European Commission - DG Development and relation with ACP countries