Babelpost 2
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Ole SkambraksBabelpost is the monthly cafebabel.com newsletter with fresh info on babelblogs, forums and community stuff. Read it. It’s made for you! All content on cafebabel.com is linked by keyword tags.
When you tag your blog posts
Clue of the month: More clicks for your babelblog
How do I tag?
Before you can tag a post, you have to create it, and ‘save’ it at least once. When you edit your post, look on the right column for cafebabel tags. There are several kinds of tags, related to geography, directories and subjects. All of them are identified by colorful symbols. If you don’t find a tag that corresponds to your article you can create it yourself. The symbol will be a red mark.
In order to bring up a post on our special site dedicated to the EU parliamentary elections www.EUdebate2009.eu, please use one of
the twelve EUdebate tags. Your article will pop-up automatically on the EUD main page as well as on cafebabel.com.
Let’s get horizontal - make tagging your sport!
babelsnapper: calling photographers
Writers, translators, local city teams and bloggers have shaped cafebabel.com over the last seven years. Now we open a new chapter with the contributions from photographers. Arguably the most babelian of all contributors, they catch in one visual image where parts of Europe are today, move more often beyond invisible borders and speak in one language that doesn’t need translating.
You and your lens can be going on a feature mission with us in 2009 with one of our six editors and three other journalists. Our project “EU Debate On the Ground” takes place monthly and is hosted by a cafebabel.com city team. Cafebabel.com pays your travel, accommodation and fixing costs for an exclusive article to be published in a special city edition in the magazine
Like the gastronomy section? The politics section? The world section? Culture, society, interviews, sports ...Got an idea for a topic worth photographing? Get in touch: [email protected]
What's hot: cafebabel.com at the Berlin Film Festival
Every month, the famous cafebabel.com editorial mission ‘EU debate on the ground’ sends three journalists, one editor and one photographer to a European city for on-scene reporting and a live debate. In February, we propose an extra special edition from the Berlinale, the Berlin Film Festival. Are you a film buff ready to live, drink and eat movies for ten days and share your experience live on cafebabel.com? Are you free from 5 – 15 February 2009? Send your application (cv + cover letter) to [email protected] by 21 November. Previous experience in film and journalism is very welcome. Your Community Ole (On Her Majesty's Special Service) [email protected] photo credits: Naixn/flickr Berlinale International Film Festival
Translated from Babelpost 2