Cafebabel produces its first podcast about European citizens
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Europe deserves more than just commentary and political analysis on the leading candidates for the presidency; that’s why Cafebabel is serving up something new and homemade for you: a podcast to shine a light on Europe from every possible angle.
With the exception of reports on politicians bickering over town councils or seats at Strasbourg, or of yet another party financial scandal, the French media seem to have a hard time taking the situation in Europe seriously. EU members – and France in particular – prefer badmouthing ‘Brussels’ and its less popular decisions, while congratulating themselves on their more positive achievements back home. It’s no secret that when the EU does get a mention in the media it’s more often to criticize a well-established technocracy than to provide any kind of analysis.
Hardly surprising then that we’re witnessing an emerging sense of distrust towards EU institutions. In general it seems people either work in the field of European affairs or know nothing about them. Would it help to find some middle ground, do you think?
Further reading : « ‘Cafebabel launches its broadcast on Europe.’ »
Here at Cafebabel, we’ve never wanted to tell you what you should or shouldn’t like. On the contrary, it’s always been far more our cup of tea simply to present people and stories from different countries. But having got you to read line upon line of text about young Europeans, now we want their voices to be heard too. And our mantra hasn’t changed: who better to speak about young people than young people themselves?
That’s why we’ve created a podcast that’s both 100% fresh and 100% local. A podcast which involves European citizens with very different visions and attributes. During this heady election period (editor’s note: 26 May) we’ll kick off by getting an overview of what Europe means for its citizens by attempting to explain their feelings towards it. First off, our teams will head to the country which sports the lowest levels of voter turnout and where hopes have been dashed by corruption scandals, before turning to a country whose very membership of the Union has been called into question (and no, we won’t be bothering the Brits on this occasion).
Want to hear more? Then keep your headphones on! Soupe a l’Union (‘Union Soup’) will soon be here to reveal all about the European elections.
Cover photo : (cc) Anthony Tavares
Further listening : Soupe à l'Union : Slovakia’s route to voter abstention
Translated from Cafébabel invente son premier podcast sur les Européennes