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News quickies (06.01 - 10.01)

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Our news quick­ies just for you. Re­mem­ber two quick­ies a day keeps the doc­tor away.

Mein Kampf big hit on­line

Adolf Hitler's fa­mous piece de résis­tance, 'Mein Kampf' has been a huge hit on­line. Over twelve Eng­lish lan­guage ver­sions have been down­loaded more than 100,000 times. Ac­cord­ing to ex­perts, Mein Kampf and the iPad go per­fectly hand in hand.

Vig­i­lante vil­lage tax strike for in­ter­net

Internet-less village strikes

The small French vil­lage of Bussy in Haute-Vi­enne has gone on tax strike until they get in­ter­net ac­cess. The vil­lagers, de­nied in­ter­net ac­cess and even phone sig­nal by the re­mote­ness of their vil­lage, have be­come in­creas­ingly dis­tressed by their iso­la­tion. They feel like 'sec­ond class cit­i­zens' and are re­fus­ing to pay taxes.

NO More woof

After a freak ac­ci­dent, Mel Gib­son was able to hear what women want. Now hu­mans can hear what dogs want, thanks to the 'No More Woof' gad­get de­vel­oped by the Nordic So­ci­ety for In­ven­tion and Dis­cov­ery.


From the fist to the toi­let brush: the sym­bols of protest have cer­tainly. In Ham­burg peo­ple protest­ing against the out­ra­geous cost of the Elbe Phi­lar­monic Hal­l have adopted the toi­let brush as their totem.

Co­caine- in stock

Big boxes for small prices. That's the Aldi ethos in a nut­shell. It would seem the Ger­man chain has started deal­ing not only in co­mestibles but also in nar­cotics. Or per­haps it was just an ac­ci­dent that 140 kilos of co­caine worth 6 mil­lion euros was found in a crate of ba­nanas de­liv­ered to one of their Ger­man stores. 

3-D Pasta- com­ing soon

3-D print­ers are mak­ing waves... and pasta. The Ital­ian busi­ness, Bar­illa, will soon be print­ing mac­ca­roni for restau­rants all over the world.


Lino Car­bosiero, the na­tional hero who rad­i­cally shifted the British Prime Min­is­ter's side part­ing from right to left has been awarded an MBE ho­n­our (Mem­ber of the Order of the British Em­pire). The 2010 makeover saw Cameron mocked in the House of Com­mons. The du­bi­ous­ness of Cameron's hair­dresser being awarded this ho­n­our is just one of a long string of con­tro­ver­sies that have sur­rounded the award­ing of ho­n­ours under Cameron's gov­ern­ment.


Sci­en­tists work­ing for the Eu­ro­pean Space Agency con­ducted an un­usual ex­per­i­ment - they fried chips in a room where the at­mos­phere, the grav­ity and the air pres­sure pre­cisely mir­rored the con­di­tions on Jupiter. It turns out that French fries fried on Jupiter would be more crispy. Why did the sci­en­tists do it? In order to en­sure the qual­ity of food for as­tro­nauts!

Translated from quickies tygodnia (06.01 - 10.01)