Merkel sports hitler moustache in jerusalem
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Joel LewinTwo Quickies a day keep the doctor away
Merkel sports hitler moustache in Jerusalem
Now this is what we call an unfortunate photo. During a visit to Jerusalem, German Chancellor Angela Merkel became the unwitting victim of a digital photo bomb from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In the photo she sports a shadow Hitler-shaped moustache. Well, to quote a classic : « No matter where you go, we know where you came from».
Read on france24.fr 26/02
Vatican city consumes more wine per person than anywhere else in the world
According to the latest statistics released by the Wine Institute, residents of the Holy City consume double the number of bottles per year – 74 litres or 105 bottles of wine on average – drunk in France or Italy as a whole. It explains a lot.
Read on independent.co.uk 26/02
Translated from W Watykanie pije się więcej wina, niż gdziekolwiek indziej w europie