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Image for Merkel sports hitler moustache in jerusalem

Merkel sports hitler moustache in jerusalem

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Translation by:

Joel Lewin


Two Quickies a day keep the doctor away

Merkel sports hitler mous­tache in Jerusalem

Now this is what we call an un­for­tu­nate photo. Dur­ing a visit to Jerusalem, Ger­man Chan­cel­lor An­gela Merkel be­came the un­wit­ting vic­tim of a dig­i­tal photo bomb from Is­raeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Ne­tanyahu. In the photo she sports a shadow Hitler-shaped mous­tache. Well, to quote a clas­sic : « No mat­ter where you go, we know where you came from».

Read on france24.​fr 26/02

Vat­i­can city con­sumes more wine per per­son than any­where else in the world

Ac­cord­ing to the lat­est sta­tis­tics re­leased by the Wine In­sti­tute, res­i­dents of the Holy City con­sume dou­ble the num­ber of bot­tles per year – 74 litres or 105 bot­tles of wine on av­er­age – drunk in France or Italy as a whole. It ex­plains a lot.

Read on in­de­pen­dent.​co.​uk 26/02

Translated from W Watykanie pije się więcej wina, niż gdziekolwiek indziej w europie