Eddy Ekete: the artist using tin cans to critique our 'stupid age'
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Arwen DeweyStanding there tall and wide in the street, making a huge noise, the vast presence of the 'Tin Can Man' surprises, shocks and inspires those that pass it by. Eddy Ekete, the Congolese artist, made this costume entirely from discarded rubbish, as a means of inspiring people to think about their relationship with the environment. Every year at Kinact, a festival of 'international encounters', he and dozens of other cultural actors come together to celebrate socially-engaged art.
You can watch more interviews from The Artivist on our YouTube channel. This series is produced in partnership with Mr Mondialisation.
Translated from Eddy Ekete : l'homme canette comme souvenir d'une « époque stupide »