best european BACKGROUNDs FOR SELFIES in 2013
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cafebabel plA bunch of geniuses from Oxford University announced that 2013's most popular word is "selfie", which means a self-fuck with the use of a photo-taking portable device. In anticipation of the first daredevil who gives this name to his or her baby (Selfie West?), we have decided to write a series of articles dedicated to this beautiful and very capacious concept
In this delightful article we present the most popular European backgrounds for selfies in 2013. Where and when was it most worth taking a selfie in Europe this year?
Pope Francis, who has been fulfilling his honorable functions since 13 March 2013, was declared 'Man of the Year' by 'Time' magazine. He vanquished a certain Miley Cyrus, who has recently re-established herself as a media favourite by licking metal tools. Our new Holy Father is no stranger to selfies himself, quickly establishing himself as the most media-friendly pope in the history of the cosmos.
Selfie with anti-government demonstrations
The Turkish protests, which began in late May in Istanbul, initially sought to prevent the construction of a shopping center in the city’s park Gezi. However, they quickly turned into full-blown anti-government demonstrations. In June, Bulgarians also began to protest against their government's policies. The people’s main postulate was the removal of the oligarchy from power. The streets of Ukraine's capital, Kiev, have been flooded with protesters since November. Demonstrations were organized in response to the government’s decision to abandon the signing of an association agreement with the EU. Riot police attacked the pro-EU protestors with tear gas and batons.
The European Union welcomed its 28th member on 1 July. We have complete confidence that it was a rash decision on the part of neither parties seeing as Croatia's accession negotiations lasted nearly a decade (since 2003).
Selfie with the legalization of gay marriage
In April, amidst enormous controversy and fervent demonstrations, the French National Assembly passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. France is the 14th country to legalize marriage between people of the same sex. The first country in the world to legalize the existence of homosexual unions was Denmark in 1989. The first country to legalize marriage between persons of the same sex was the Netherlands in 2001.
Selfie with snowden and the nsa spying scandal
In June, 29-year-old Edward Snowden, a former employee of the CIA and the NSA, revealed to the press the existence of a colossal U.S. government program surveilling its own citizens. The NSA has been monitoring emails, phone calls and activity on social networks. The program cooperates with, among others, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple and Google. Snowden is wanted by the U.S. authorities on charges of espionage and the disclosure of state secrets. He is currently hiding in Russia, which has granted him asylum.
Selfie with the ROYAL BABY
27 July was the day the long-awaited successor to the British throne was born (3.8 kilograms at birth). In honor of George Alexander Louis, a splendid name for a splendid baby, the fountains in Trafalgar Square were stained in blue – the most manly colour known to man. The web was inundated with a glorious flood of exquisite memes. In the UK it is currently in good taste to devote small talk to the question of whether the Royal Baby has even the smallest chance of enjoying a vaguely normal childhood.
Selfie with the economic CRISIS
To pass comment on this issue is probably unnecessary. Britain has no cause for complaint, and UK citizens feel no envy towards truly buggered nations such as Greece, Spain and Italy.
Selfie with the European brain drain
According to Eurostat data, unemployment in the euro zone reached 12% in February (unemployment among people under 25 reached 23.5% in the same time period). This is the highest level of unemployment since 1995. Southern Europe has been particularly affected by this phenomenon - Greece (26.4%), Spain (26.3%) and Portugal (17.5%). In this situation it is not surprising that educated unemployed youths from the south of the continent are migrating north in search of jobs and better living conditions.
selfie With MERKEL
In September, Germany elected representatives to the Bundestag. The Christian Democratic Union, with Angie Merkel at the helm, won the elections for the third consecutive time. On this occasion the German Chancellor decided to participate in the widely lauded hipster rally.
This article is part of Cafébabel's 2013 'Narcissism' series. There are four more articles in the series which are currently being translated and will soon be available in English.
Translated from europejskie tła do samojebek 2013 roku