Babelian of the month
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CafébabelThis month Lilian covered the Berlinale film festival bringing us a series of enticing reviews and fascinating insight. Lilian tells us about her dream about Almodovar, her first time with Cafébabel and the highs and lows of online journalism.
Cafébabel: Describe yourself in three words…
Lilian Pithan: No. Yes. No.
What do you do in your life, as profession ?
I'm a translator and language teacher.
What's your favourite dish ?
Gujarati sweet curry.
Your preferred nationality in Europe ? Why ?
None. They're all amazing and terrible at the same time and for different reasons.
When did you write your first article/translation for Cafébabel ?
In 2009 when I was the taboulé eating and ballerina wearing intern of the German language version during strike times.
The craziest dream you've ever had ?
I remember stumbling through a post-apocalyptic landscape once, made of grass and plastic. When I entered a large theatre with neon velvet curtains, I met a dishevelled Almodóvar who smilingly gave me a bouquet of faded tulips.
In one word, what does Cafébabel mean to you ?
The highs and lows of volunteering and of the internet in general.
Pick up one preferred section, article and author of Cafébabel…
Favourite section: "Culture" because I like art. Favourite author: Joel Lewin because he has wicked article ideas and chooses cool teaser pictures. Favourite translator (they are just as important): Daniel Stächelin because he is incredibly fast.
The most stupid thing you've done in your life ?
Not learning Japanese when I was young enough to get the accent right.
The best place you've been in Europe so far ? Why?
Its literature. It holds everything that makes Europe what it is.
A city in Europe you would like to visit… Why you would like to go there ?
Lisbon because of its blue tiles and sweet pastries.
What does Europe mean to you ?
Art, clouds, sculpture, stuffiness, novels, Lautréamont, history, experimental theatre, poisonous advertisements, life insurance, pasta aglio olio, melancholia. A place I always have to get away from, but love to get back to.
Check out the currypower-blog Lilian writes on Cafébabel
Translated from Babélienne des Monats