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Image for A quick shop at tesco? Chanel's got just the outfit for you

A quick shop at tesco? Chanel's got just the outfit for you

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So France is fac­ing an­other grand rev­o­lu­tion of every­day life. After Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet dis­cov­ered the joys of using pub­lic trans­port, Karl Lager­feld de­cides to re­brand su­per­mar­kets as the birth­place of new fash­ion trends.

What in­spired Karl Lager­feld’s lat­est fash­ion show? Was it Jarvis Cocker’s Com­mon Peo­ple? Was it the BBC’s Su­per­mar­ket Se­crets? Well re­gard­less of where the idea ac­tu­ally came from, it of­fers a fas­ci­nat­ing op­por­tu­nity to see how the world of ‘nor­mal peo­ple’ is imag­ined by a mil­lion­aire who wants to marry his own cat.

Chanel’s show at this year’s Paris Fash­ion Week was re­fresh­ingly trans­par­ent – you could ac­tu­ally have been fooled into think­ing that the mod­els re­ally do shop in su­per­mar­kets, or even bet­ter – that they ac­tu­ally eat. More­over, no one could deny its ed­u­ca­tional func­tions – for many guests it was the op­por­tu­nity to see the in­side of a su­per­mar­ket for the first time. The stars of the show were, among oth­ers, boxes of Chanel eggs, prob­a­bly laid by ap­pro­pri­ately styl­ish hens. As for the fash­ion di­men­sion, we learned that the ap­pro­pri­ate out­fit for a quick shop at Tesco con­sists of neon track­suit bot­toms, over­sized coats and minia­ture shop­ping bas­kets for 17,000 euros, in­ter­change­able with feather dresses. The mod­els even wore train­ers with the most el­e­gant out­fits. Is this trend for train­ers, a fea­ture of street fash­ion for over a year, going to be­come a per­ma­nent fash­ion fix­ture?

Any­way, I’d like to in­form all fash­ion blog­gers that Tesco is the new place to be. Se­ri­ously, it’s not even me say­ing it – this time I’m just pass­ing on the mes­sage from Karl Lager­feld.

Chanel Au­tumn/Win­ter 2014 in Grand Palais, on the 4th of March.

Translated from Chanel proponuje stylizacje na wypad do Tesco