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Image for Eu-in-Motion: zrealizuj reportaż w Atenach! (1-5 października)

Eu-in-Motion: zrealizuj reportaż w Atenach! (1-5 października)

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inside cafébabel

5 miast i 5 edycji specjalnych projektu „EU in Motion”. Naszym celem będzie przedstawić Wam społeczny i polityczny pejzaż Europy w dzień po wyborach do Parlamentu Europejskiego. Jaka jest dziś sytuacja bezrobotnych na Starym Kontynencie? Czy Europejczycy mogą liczyć na dostateczną opiekę socjalną? I – po prostu – czy czują się dobrze w Europie?


WHAT IS IT? In 2014 we launch our mon­th­ly edi­to­rial se­ries, ‘EU­ In Motion’, which aims to make us think about the fu­tu­re of Eu­ro­pe and where we're going with the elec­tions round the cor­ner.

TO DO WHAT: Va­lo­ri­sing local, young pro­jects, ideas, sto­ries, in­i­tia­ti­ves and an­gles. Get out ‘on the gro­und’ and make us feel you’ve been han­ging out and get­ting about in Athens. Go gonzo, don't go all 'in­sti­tu­tio­nal' : be cre­ati­ve, be per­so­nal, whilst re­ma­ining jo­ur­na­li­stic-min­ded with facts and sta­ti­stics, so­ur­ces and in­te­rviews. Spend time with lo­cals, de­scri­be what you saw/felt/le­arnt from them. Be cri­ti­cal, the ‘EU’ isn’t an ide­olo­gy for Cafébabel


WAN­TED: We need three jo­ur­na­li­sts (print or video) and one pho­to­gra­pher to join this mis­sion: wri­ting on the 5 fol­lo­wing to­pics with the sup­port of our local host team:

Youth unem­ploy­ment

Elec­tions in your co­un­try: does Eu­ro­pe mat­ter?

Fun­da­men­tal ri­ghts and po­pu­lism rise among the youth

So­cial Eu­ro­pe and qu­ali­ty of life from the youth' point of view

How to re­gu­la­te fi­nan­cial mar­kets and banks

Make sure you don’t come unpre­pa­red, so we can get down to bu­si­ness whilst we're there.

It’s your ar­tic­le pro­po­sals that will get you no­ti­ced for this mis­sion: so be cre­ati­ve, do some re­se­arch be­fo­re ap­ply­ing; flog your idea don­keys to me.


LO­GI­STICS: Book your own fli­ghts/tra­ins to Athens: a sum of up to 280 euros is re­im­bur­sed by ca­fe­ba­bel (pro­vi­ded re­ce­ipts are kept) upon re­turn from the trip and re­ce­ipt of the ar­tic­le. Other tra­vel and food expen­ses are re­im­bur­sed up to 200 euros. The team stays in a ho­stel that has al­re­ady been bo­oked by cafébabel.

EDI­TO­RIAL: The edi­tor in char­ge at Paris HQ, who will be le­ading the trip to Athens. They will su­per­vi­se you in de­fi­ning the angle of your ar­tic­le and ma­king pre­pa­ra­tions for in­te­rviews at least a co­uple of weeks be­fo­re the trip is due to com­men­ce.

BUT : it’s up to you to do your own re­se­arch be­fo­re le­aving, to find in­te­re­sting an­gles and book in­te­rvie­we­es and de­ve­lep ideas 'on the gro­und'. The writ­ten piece is due in stric­tly one week later, when the re­le­vant lin­gu­istic edi­tor from the cen­tral Paris of­fi­ce will edit your piece, which will be trans­la­ted by our vo­lun­te­er ne­tworks, and then pu­bli­shed in six lan­gu­ages wi­thin the fol­lo­wing month.


If you are under 35 years old and you live in a Eu­ro­pe­an co­un­try, send us your CV, three-li­ne EU­ in Mo­tion ar­tic­le pro­po­sals (re­spec­ti­ve­ly one or two pro­po­sals for pho­to­gal­le­ries and some pic­tu­res if you apply as a pho­to­gra­pher), lin­ked with youth mo­bi­li­ty and unem­ploy­ment, the rise of po­pu­lism in EU co­un­tries, so­cial and fi­nan­cial is­su­es in Eu­ro­pe, as well as ideas for in­te­rvie­we­es... be ori­gi­nal! We look for­ward to he­aring them!

Dead­line : 12th September, 23:59

Con­tact : eu-in-mo­tion@​cafeba­bel.​com​

This pro­ject is fun­ded with sup­port from the Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­ment.

Translated from Call for journalists/photographers: EU in Motion, 1-5 October, Athens.