Who to vote for in the European Elections? Find Out Here!
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CafébabelAt Cafébabel, we are buzzing for the European elections. Buzzing! 22-25 May we will be bouncing off the walls like bluebottles in a jar. But however excited you are, it's not always easy to know who you want to vote for. To help you decide, we have the pleasure of announcing our partnership with VoteMatch Europe.
What is VoteMatch?
Since the end of the 90s, many European countries have developped tools which allow citizens to test out their voting preferences. Since 2012, 14 of these national intiatives have been working together to produce a European VoteMatch for the 2014 European elections. Click here to find out everything you need to know about VoteMatch and to see a complete list of participating organisations.
The Test
Each tool compares your responses to 30 questions with the responses given by political parties to the same questions. You can find out which party's manifesto most closely coincides with your views. And for the more curious of you, the results are accompanied by an explanation of what the hell each party is up to with their ideas.
At least 15 of the questions are the same for every country. So once you're done, you can transpose your results to another European country and find out who you would want to vote for there.
Where does Cafébabel come into it?
Cafébabel is proud to announce a partnership with 5 of the organisations involved in VoteMatch.
- Vote&Vous for the French version,
- Elecciones.es for the Spanish version,
- VoteMatch UK for the UK version,
- VoteMatch Italia for the Italian version,
- Latarnik Wyborczy for the Polish version,
The VoteMatch tools for each of these five is available on Cafébabel! Don't hold back! Click those links and learn the truth.
If you are that way inclined, you can use the German tool here Wahl-O-Mat.
Translated from Les élections européennes, oui, mais pour qui voter ?