When lesbians longboard.
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Alyssa SandersSince the spring of 2013 and the campaigns of Louis Vuitton, Chanel and many others, the longboard has become a fashion staple. A practice in which we find more and more women, the majority of whom are lesbians. Meet the women who see longboarding as a lifestyle rather than a fashion accessory.
Longboarding, a sport for the boys? Yet there are many who have adopted these boards, longer but more flexible than skateboarding. Tarah, 29, was alwayss drawn to board sports. Eight years earlier, elle descovered the sport of longboarding in California where the sport is enormousely popular. "I didn't longboard often in France, because I was concerned about how I would be perceived. Then I arrived in California. Everyone, many girls, et guys encouraged me to continue," she says. The West-Coast claimed another. Marie also becamed enamored with longboarding after a stay in the Golden State. "In 2005, during my first trip to California I wandered around Venice (un quartier branché de la ville, ndlr) and I saw tons of people riding on their longboards by the ocean. The mood and beauty of the boards immediately appealed to me. I passed by the first Arbor store and loved their magnificent designs, so I went and bought myself one. The rest of my vacation was spent riding it," she tells us. Today, with her brand, State of Grace, she creates hand-made boards using recyced materials. One of the brands creations was awarded the grand prix by the group Barbi(e)turix, last July 12th.
Year after year, more and more women are joining the sport, leading to the creation of the Longboard Girls Crew, a 100% female-lead organization based in Madrid. Founder Jacky Madenfrost, recals, "Around four years ago, during the black/white night in Madrid, a huge longboard event, I was asked to help and I made a Facebook page to provide information. The idea was to reach out to Spanish, then the movement was heard throughout the world." For her, it is not just a group of girls, "it has become a completely social movement." A social movement whose diversity is one of the cardinal points, "We can be lesbian or heterosxual. We are all different women and that it what makes it beautiful."
« When I'm on a board, people approach me. »
But why have lesbians chosen the sport of longboarding as a way of life? For Charlotte, 20 years old, the explanation is simple: "It's a great way to meet people. A chick on a board... she's a hit with the other girls. Since I belong to a group of lesbians who are not often approached because of our "ultra hetero" vibe, when I'm on a board people often ask me and approach me. So beyond my passion for the sport there is also an aspect of letting people know, 'hey girls, I'm available." Sandra agrees, "My best friend does roller derby. I don't like getting hit so I ride a longboard! [Laughs] But it is clearly a way for me to join in a community. I go unnoticed when I go out to bars, but when I'm on a longboard, heads turn." Tarah confiera que c’est son côté mec qui est sûrement à l’origine de sa passion pour le longboard : « I was always somewhat of a 'lostboy', I have two brothers and I mainly hang out with guys. Du coup, était-ce pour faire comme eux que j’ai commencé ? En tout cas, ça m’a toujours attiré. Il y a peut-être un côté masculin, une attitude, un univers dont on veut faire partie ». C’est aussi l’avis de Tifenn, 28 ans : « Depuis que j’en fais…je pense que je me "masculinise" sans le vouloir : j’ai les genoux bien attaqués, holes in my socks. But I think that is the part that I like so much." For Aurélie, donner libre cours à son côté masculin, c’est revivre l’adolescence qu’on lui a interdit : « Je voulais tout le temps faire du skate et on me disait "non c’est pour les garçons". Je pense que chez la plupart des lesbiennes, il y a ce désir d’affirmer une part de soi qu’on nous a obligé à mettre de côté ».
Emma, 26 ans et londonienne, a emménagé à Paris récemment. Son ex-copine avait l’habitude de rider avec ses potes et petit à petit, elle s’est adonnée à la pratique en elle-même mais aussi à tout ce qu’elle comporte : « Je m’y suis mise parce que le côté communautaire me plaisait. Je pense que le longboard offre la possibilité d’appartenir à plusieurs communautés en même temps, tout en ayant la sensation de n’en former qu’une ».
De la liberté et des bleues
Cori Schumacher, former surf champion (la première à avoir fait son coming-out, ndlr), pense quant à elle que si les lesbiennes sont autant attirées par le longboard et par les sports de glisse en général, c’est aussi parce qu’ils procurent une sensation de liberté. « Libres et exemptées de toute cette pression que l’on subit au quotidien, en tant que femme, et en tant que femme homosexuelle. La sensation du vent, celle de flotter. Le tout associé à la vitesse…c’est là que l’on respire », philosophe-t-elle. Encore faut-il pouvoir ressentir ces sensations. Jessica, 22 ans, a d’ailleurs voulu me faire essayer sa planche. Premièrement, on constate que l’équilibre, ça s’apprend. Puis, ça n’est pas sans mal qu’on peut tenir et avancer sans que le longboard parte loin devant nous, pendant qu’on le contemple fesses à terre. Mais bon, la sensation de liberté vaut bien quelques bleus, non ?
Translated from Quand les lesbiennes surfent sur le longboard