When Imagination is unlimIted "the art of the brIck"
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This week, we have visited the ultimate Temporary Exposition The Art of the Brick hosted inside the Brussels Stock Exchange, also known as La Bourse.
This exhibition has been in town already for some months now and will stay until April 21st. So, there is no excuse to miss it!
The American artist Nathan Sawaya is a truly genius from our time, who has found as a source of inspiration the popular building blocks called LEGO; a simple plastic brick with endless possibilities for creating thousand of artistic pieces.
For some people this might seems easy, but those who knows well the time and precision required for building anything using the famous bricks, certainly will be gratefully surprised and will appreciate this exhibition.
There is a connection between all the exposed pieces, this is why the exhibition starts with simple daily life objects in extra large size, leading us to understand Mr. Sawaya creation path. The colours and shapes mixed together bringing to life or death different feelings and simple daily live objects.
The magic created through the bricks across the galleries may transport you to different places or centuries; from the Renaissance with some classics like The David or The Mona Lisa, suddenly appearing in the ancient Egypt for coming back to the American Gothic or simply awesome you to appreciate a perfect 3D replica of Klimt's Kiss.
There is also a part about the roots of inspiration, on which we can understand the path followed for the artist to achieve all his creations, as he explains:
"My own personal conflicts and fears, coupled with a deep desire for overall happiness, paved the way to becoming a full time working artist."
Certainly, this exhibit is a most to see! Recommended for All public no matter the age, as there are no limits or patterns to follow for creating Art.
So, let flow your creativity and you might come with a new masterpiece worthy to be share. Dream, Create and Enjoy!
The Art of the Brick till the 21st. April Don't miss it!