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What’s up in Spring 2014?

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inside cafébabel

Check out all the events and partnerships involving your favourite European magazine!

Spring is an in­tense pe­riod for Eu­rope and for Cafébabel. With the up­com­ing Eu­ro­pean elec­tions and Eu­rope day, we have a lot of part­ner­ships going on. Here are the pro­jects where you can find us.


Mélanie Sueur, Pres­i­dent of Cafébabel, par­tic­i­pated in the Wik­istage held in the Mai­son de l’Eu­rope de Paris on April 26th. Wik­iStage is a col­lab­o­ra­tive non-profit pro­ject led by peo­ple around the world who be­lieve in the im­por­tance of stay­ing cu­ri­ous and never giv­ing up learn­ing. Their vi­sion is to cre­ate a free video li­brary of ques­tions for ex­perts to ad­dress. Soon on Cafébabel: the video of Mélanie talk­ing about En­gage­ment of the Eu­ro­pean Youth gen­er­a­tion.

For more in­for­ma­tion (in French), click here.   

Etats généraux de l’Eu­rope

Every year, Eu­ropanova and the Mou­ve­ment européen France or­gan­ise this meet­ing, which in­cludes in 2014: 

- de­bates on com­mon be­liefs about Eu­rope from Jan­u­ary to April 2014, 

- col­lab­o­ra­tive work­shops with ex­perts on democ­racy, en­ergy and en­vi­ron­ment, media, youth, em­ploy­ment and the euro

- two ple­nary ses­sions with can­di­dates to the Eu­ro­pean elec­tions 

Cafébabel is a media part­ner of the event. Here you can find more in­for­ma­tion (in French). 

Eu­ro­pean Youth event and the YO! Fest

This year, Alexan­dre Heully will be a speaker at the Eu­ro­pean Youth Event, which takes place from 9th to 11th May 2014 at the Eu­ro­pean Par­lia­ment's seat in Stras­bourg. This event brings to­gether sev­eral thou­sand young Eu­ro­peans aged be­tween 16 and 30 around the motto “Ideas for a Bet­ter Eu­rope”.

The event fo­cuses on 5 the­matic areas, which are core is­sues for the fu­ture of young Eu­ro­peans:

- Youth Un­em­ploy­ment. New per­spec­tives for a blocked gen­er­a­tion

- Dig­i­tal Rev­o­lu­tion. The fu­ture of the in­ter­net

- Fu­ture of the Eu­ro­pean Union. Eu­rope in tran­si­tion

- Sus­tain­abil­ity. New Eu­ro­pean Lifestyle - Sus­tain­able busi­ness and liv­ing

- Eu­ro­pean Val­ues. Global Player - Fair Player?

Cafébabel and more specif­i­cally Cafébabel Stras­bourg is also a media part­ner of the YO! Fest. The YO!Fest is the an­nual youth fes­ti­val or­gan­ised by the Eu­ro­pean Youth Forum out­side sym­bolic places of the Eu­ro­pean in­sti­tu­tions. It is a po­lit­i­cal fes­ti­val that com­bines de­bates and work­shops with live music and artis­tic per­for­mances.

Every­thing on the part­ner­ship here! You can also read our press re­lease in French.

Eu­ropavox tour and fes­ti­val

Cafébabel is a media part­ner of the Eu­ropavox fes­ti­val (French). Jour­nal­ists will be sent on the ground to cover the event from the 5th to the 7th of June

In the mean­time, Cafébabel is also a part­ner of the Eu­ropavox tour. From 6th till 17th May 2014, Eu­ropavox takes the road with in its lug­gage the best cur­rent Eu­ro­pean music. The Eu­ropavox tour 2014 will focus on cul­ture and cit­i­zen­ship and will visit 13 French cities, where meet­ings and con­certs by Eu­ro­pean bands will be or­gan­ised. Eme­line Mauduit, Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Part­ner­ships of­fi­cer will an­i­mate the de­bate in Paris, which will take place be­fore the con­cert at the Maro­quinerie. 

Eu­ro­pean Lab

The Eu­ro­pean Lab is a plat­form for ex­change and re­flec­tion that aims to give a voice to new lead­ing Eu­ro­pean gen­er­a­tions in the fields of cul­ture, cre­ation, in­no­va­tion, new media and en­tre­pre­neur­ship. Alexan­dre Heully will be a speaker at the panel on the changes cur­rently hap­pen­ing in the media world.

For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion, have a look on the Eu­ro­pean Lab web­site

Rad­i­cal Democ­racy Video Chal­lenge

Cafébabel is a media part­ner of this chal­lenge which aims to col­lect, share and dis­cuss gen­uine views on open so­ci­ety val­ues and de­mo­c­ra­tic rep­re­sen­ta­tion. Rad­i­cal Democ­racy will be pre­sent at var­i­ous fes­ti­vals and plat­forms where se­lected media works will be screened. All se­lected videos will be­come part of the Doc Next On­line Media Col­lec­tion. The win­ners of the video chal­lenge will be an­nounced and screened at the Plan­ete+ Doc Film Fes­ti­val in War­saw, Poland - in the heart of Eu­rope.


French ed­i­tor Matthieu Amaré, will pre­sent Cafébabel at the Streetschool or­ga­nized by French par­tic­i­pa­tive media Street­press. He will also help some par­tic­i­pants in writ­ing ar­ti­cles for a par­tic­i­pa­tive media like Cafébabel. More in­for­ma­tion here (in French).