What does the United States think of Europe?
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Karyn BryantEuroNightmare. The witty cartoonist Aleix Saló has succeeded in portraying, in less than two minutes, European and American society.
With the motive of launching his work EuroNightmare: Someone Has Eaten Up the Middle Class in English, we're bringing back the video that is giving people something to talk about these days on the Internet.
Aleix Saló has done it again! Most of us got to know him several years ago with his famous video about Españistán (Spainistan), in which he explained the housing bubble which had brought the Spanish economy to its knees - a situation which still drags the country down today.
On this occasion, and on the occasion of the launch of his book EuroNightmare in English, Saló has succeeded in portraying us Europeans and Americans with his characteristic style. Violent Americans, lazy and noisy Europeans from the South, suicide victims of the North, pseudo-Soviets of the East… there’s room for all in the video! But what are you doing still reading this? Have you seriously reached this part? Forget about us and push play!
See: Aleix Saló’s Youtube Channel
Read: Europesadilla: Alguien se ha comido a la clase media. Editorial De Bolsillo, 2013. Also in electronic format.
Translated from ¿Qué piensan los Estados Unidos de Europa?