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we were all in that Boeing

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The borders of this war that was claimed to be solely Ukrainian are now largely internationally expanded. United and direct, firm and pan-world action must be taken to stop Russia, the aggressor, which arrogantly violates all the international laws and kills people. 

To put first, there is no "civil war" in Ukraine as pre­sented by Russ­ian media and nu­mer­ously reprinted by some in­ter­na­tional sites. There is real war made by im­ported Russ­ian armed forces in the ter­ri­tory of Ukraine (2 re­gions: Lu­gansk and Donetsk). Plus, a very strong in­for­ma­tional pro­pa­ganda. On 17 of July, im­me­di­ately after the Boe­ing 777 was shot, Russ­ian media re­ported in their local news that "re­bel­lians" (this is how they call Russ­ian army in Ukraine) de­stroyed Ukrain­ian mil­i­tary trans­porta­tion air­plane AN-26. https://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=F2HVb­J0yVMo

After the truth about “Malasian Air­lines” Boe­ing 777 came out, video with an­nounce­ments were deleted from YouTube. Here is what Igor Girkin, a Russ­ian cit­i­zen from Moscow who com­mands the Don­bass Peo­ple's Mili­tia para­mil­i­tary group and is a key fig­ure be­hind the 2014 pro-Russ­ian con­flict in Ukraine, says im­me­di­ately (on 17 of July 17:50 Moscow time) after the plane crash: “We just shot AN-26 near Torez, it lies around the mine “Progress”. We warned not to fly in “our sky”. Here is the proof of this birdy falling. The birdy fell be­hind the slagheap, res­i­den­tial quar­ter hadn’t suf­fer” (http://​vk.​com/​strelkov_​info - his page in the Russ­ian ana­logue of face­book).  On the eve of the tragedy with “Malasyan Airines” Boe­ing 777, so-called “Donetsk Peo­ple’s Re­pub­lic” bragged about “re­paired by very tal­ented, even ge­nius Russ­ian elec­tron­ics anti-air­craft war­fare, called BUK, that was cap­tured in Crimea when the lat­ter be­came Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion in March, 2014. (https://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=EmwYC90W9vs)

The Anti-air­craft war­fare BUK-M was car­ried by Rus­sians to Donetsk sev­eral days ago from the ter­ri­tory of Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion. There is a in­ter­cept phone record­ing about the car­ry­ing the BUK-M to Donetsk https://​www.​youtube.​com/​watch?​v=Ygdqd­kl­rqDA (ukr). Ukrain­ian coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence in the morn­ing on 17 of July, the day of tragedy, re­ceived re­li­able data that ter­ror­ists of Donetsk Peo­ple’s Re­pub­lic got at least one BUK-M with crew in their dis­posal. The com­plex was fer­ried from Rus­sia across the state bor­der near the Sukhodolsk town around 1 a.m. At 9 a.m. the BUK-M com­plex reached the city of Donetsk to move it fur­ther to Per­vo­mayskoye vil­lage, to be used soon. In the con­ver­sa­tion be­tween ter­ror­ists they are happy and proud about hav­ing BUK-M and boast about shoot­ing Ukrain­ian plane.

Here is an­other in­ter­cept phone record­ing of ter­ror­ists con­ver­sa­tion, when the re­al­iza­tion on civil flight came to their mind “-Ap­prox­i­mately at 16:10 the plane was shot. The plane crashed in the air, civil one. -Many peo­ple? – The whole bunch. – Any weapons? – Not at all. Toi­let paper, tow­els, med­ical stuff, etc. – Any doc­u­ments? – Yes, of In­done­sian stu­dent from Tomp­son Uni­ver­sity. – On TV they say it was likely Ukrain­ian AN-26 plane, but it’s writ­ten “Malasian air­lines”, what has it been doing on the ter­ri­tory of Ukraine? –They have prob­a­bly brought spies. There’s no rea­son to fly over this ter­ri­tory, it’s war here”

Un­for­tu­nately, Russ­ian jour­nal­ists are the only ones who can get to the crime scene place with­out any ob­sta­cles, as the whole re­gion is con­trolled by their own ter­ror­ists. On the crash place they find per­sonal stuff and doc­u­ments of the pas­sen­gers. The ra­dius of dead bod­ies scat­ter is about 15 km, it will be dif­fi­cult to find all dead peo­ple.

There is ba­si­cally noth­ing to dis­cuss and com­ment about, every­thing is clearly seen, Russ­ian ter­ror­ists have them­selves pre­sented the un­de­ni­able profs of their hor­ri­ble crime. The tri­als to “wash” their hands off look ridicu­lously id­i­otic. Youtube and face­book aside, they go fur­ther and change Wikipedia ar­ti­cle on air­plane crashes, chang­ing the last sen­tence from “the plane was shot by ter­ror­ists from self-called Donetsk Peo­ple’s Re­pub­lic, using the BUK-M anti-mis­sile com­plex, which they got from Rus­sia” to “the plane was shot by Ukrain­ian mil­i­taries”. In­ter­est­ing thing – the ip-ad­dress used to per­form the up­date/change of the ar­ti­cle is as­signed to All-Russ­ian State Tele-Ra­dio Com­pany (http://​tjour­nal.​ru/​paper/​vgtrk-wiki-plane-crash?​fb_​ac­tion_​ids=10204487785014063&​fb_​ac­tion_​types=og.​likes ) And the more they lie the more the facts talk against them.

The Ru­bi­con is crossed, there is no way back to have same re­la­tion­ship with Rus­sia. And I am not talk­ing solely about Ukraine, the world should fi­nally wake up and un­der­stand that the con­flict is not be­tween Rus­sia and Ukraine, the con­flict is be­tween Putin and the world. It’s ex­actly the time when it needs to be an­nounced out loud to the whole world that it’s not Ukraine who suf­fers from self-pro­claimed re­publics, but di­rect Russ­ian in­va­sion. Yes, Rus­sia is an ag­gres­sor. Yes, Rus­sia must be stopped, the games are over.

And if Eu­rope doesn’t make a step to put an end to it, know­ing that their planes are shot down by some­one who watches the World Foot­ball Cham­pi­onship in their com­pany, then the con­clu­sion is ev­i­dent – they pro­vide sup­port to ter­ror­ists. Where will this road take us then? Are we on our way to World War III ? Looks in­cred­i­bly plau­si­ble.

The bor­ders of this war that was claimed to be solely Ukrain­ian are now largely in­ter­na­tion­ally ex­panded. United and di­rect, firm and pan-world ac­tion must be taken to stop ag­gres­sor, which ar­ro­gantly vi­o­lates all the in­ter­na­tional laws, rules and agree­ments, and kills peo­ple. There is no way peo­ple con­tinue to be­lieve Russ­ian pro­pa­ganda, con­tinue to be fooled. No way to put guilt on some­one rather than Rus­sia and its crim­i­nal regime.

I re­mem­ber the day when Russ­ian ter­ror­ists shot Ukrain­ian plane with 53 young men-Ukrain­ian sol­diers, real pa­tri­ots, last month, on 14 of June. The next day I went to the Russ­ian em­bassy in Kyiv and saw the trashed build­ing, list of dead boys, and a whole bunch of flow­ers. Peo­ple left notes with such phrases “53 sons of Ukraine never to for­get”, “I won’t for­give oc­cu­pa­tion of Ukraine”, “Ukraine over every­thing”. I re­mem­ber how close we all took that tragedy. I felt like I per­son­ally knew all of them, like all of best friends and rel­a­tives died at the same time. I cried my heart out. Since yes­ter­day evening, I feel the same and even worse and I don’t think this feel­ing will ever leave my body and soul.

Rest in peace, beau­ti­ful in­no­cent peo­ple. I hope you will find peace in heaven. Peace that we didn’t pro­vide you on Earth. I hope you all be­come an­gels.