we were all in that Boeing
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The borders of this war that was claimed to be solely Ukrainian are now largely internationally expanded. United and direct, firm and pan-world action must be taken to stop Russia, the aggressor, which arrogantly violates all the international laws and kills people.
To put first, there is no "civil war" in Ukraine as presented by Russian media and numerously reprinted by some international sites. There is real war made by imported Russian armed forces in the territory of Ukraine (2 regions: Lugansk and Donetsk). Plus, a very strong informational propaganda. On 17 of July, immediately after the Boeing 777 was shot, Russian media reported in their local news that "rebellians" (this is how they call Russian army in Ukraine) destroyed Ukrainian military transportation airplane AN-26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2HVbJ0yVMo
After the truth about “Malasian Airlines” Boeing 777 came out, video with announcements were deleted from YouTube. Here is what Igor Girkin, a Russian citizen from Moscow who commands the Donbass People's Militia paramilitary group and is a key figure behind the 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine, says immediately (on 17 of July 17:50 Moscow time) after the plane crash: “We just shot AN-26 near Torez, it lies around the mine “Progress”. We warned not to fly in “our sky”. Here is the proof of this birdy falling. The birdy fell behind the slagheap, residential quarter hadn’t suffer” (http://vk.com/strelkov_info - his page in the Russian analogue of facebook). On the eve of the tragedy with “Malasyan Airines” Boeing 777, so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic” bragged about “repaired by very talented, even genius Russian electronics anti-aircraft warfare, called BUK, that was captured in Crimea when the latter became Russian Federation in March, 2014. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmwYC90W9vs)
The Anti-aircraft warfare BUK-M was carried by Russians to Donetsk several days ago from the territory of Russian Federation. There is a intercept phone recording about the carrying the BUK-M to Donetsk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgdqdklrqDA (ukr). Ukrainian counterintelligence in the morning on 17 of July, the day of tragedy, received reliable data that terrorists of Donetsk People’s Republic got at least one BUK-M with crew in their disposal. The complex was ferried from Russia across the state border near the Sukhodolsk town around 1 a.m. At 9 a.m. the BUK-M complex reached the city of Donetsk to move it further to Pervomayskoye village, to be used soon. In the conversation between terrorists they are happy and proud about having BUK-M and boast about shooting Ukrainian plane.
Here is another intercept phone recording of terrorists conversation, when the realization on civil flight came to their mind “-Approximately at 16:10 the plane was shot. The plane crashed in the air, civil one. -Many people? – The whole bunch. – Any weapons? – Not at all. Toilet paper, towels, medical stuff, etc. – Any documents? – Yes, of Indonesian student from Tompson University. – On TV they say it was likely Ukrainian AN-26 plane, but it’s written “Malasian airlines”, what has it been doing on the territory of Ukraine? –They have probably brought spies. There’s no reason to fly over this territory, it’s war here”
Unfortunately, Russian journalists are the only ones who can get to the crime scene place without any obstacles, as the whole region is controlled by their own terrorists. On the crash place they find personal stuff and documents of the passengers. The radius of dead bodies scatter is about 15 km, it will be difficult to find all dead people.
There is basically nothing to discuss and comment about, everything is clearly seen, Russian terrorists have themselves presented the undeniable profs of their horrible crime. The trials to “wash” their hands off look ridiculously idiotic. Youtube and facebook aside, they go further and change Wikipedia article on airplane crashes, changing the last sentence from “the plane was shot by terrorists from self-called Donetsk People’s Republic, using the BUK-M anti-missile complex, which they got from Russia” to “the plane was shot by Ukrainian militaries”. Interesting thing – the ip-address used to perform the update/change of the article is assigned to All-Russian State Tele-Radio Company (http://tjournal.ru/paper/vgtrk-wiki-plane-crash?fb_action_ids=10204487785014063&fb_action_types=og.likes ) And the more they lie the more the facts talk against them.
The Rubicon is crossed, there is no way back to have same relationship with Russia. And I am not talking solely about Ukraine, the world should finally wake up and understand that the conflict is not between Russia and Ukraine, the conflict is between Putin and the world. It’s exactly the time when it needs to be announced out loud to the whole world that it’s not Ukraine who suffers from self-proclaimed republics, but direct Russian invasion. Yes, Russia is an aggressor. Yes, Russia must be stopped, the games are over.
And if Europe doesn’t make a step to put an end to it, knowing that their planes are shot down by someone who watches the World Football Championship in their company, then the conclusion is evident – they provide support to terrorists. Where will this road take us then? Are we on our way to World War III ? Looks incredibly plausible.
The borders of this war that was claimed to be solely Ukrainian are now largely internationally expanded. United and direct, firm and pan-world action must be taken to stop aggressor, which arrogantly violates all the international laws, rules and agreements, and kills people. There is no way people continue to believe Russian propaganda, continue to be fooled. No way to put guilt on someone rather than Russia and its criminal regime.
I remember the day when Russian terrorists shot Ukrainian plane with 53 young men-Ukrainian soldiers, real patriots, last month, on 14 of June. The next day I went to the Russian embassy in Kyiv and saw the trashed building, list of dead boys, and a whole bunch of flowers. People left notes with such phrases “53 sons of Ukraine never to forget”, “I won’t forgive occupation of Ukraine”, “Ukraine over everything”. I remember how close we all took that tragedy. I felt like I personally knew all of them, like all of best friends and relatives died at the same time. I cried my heart out. Since yesterday evening, I feel the same and even worse and I don’t think this feeling will ever leave my body and soul.
Rest in peace, beautiful innocent people. I hope you will find peace in heaven. Peace that we didn’t provide you on Earth. I hope you all become angels.