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We are recruting for Orient Express!

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Journalists! Photographers!  Recruiting 'Orient Express Reporters' for 8 Balkan capitals From cities and the crisis to the Balkans. After five successful years reporting monthly from Europe in the framework of our 'on the ground' all-expenses paid editorial project, is happy to announce we will continue to send five journalists - outside the EU. For once!

This includes one of the Paris-based magazine's six editors and a photojournalist from the citizen media network. There's so much high-level jabber of 'prospects', 'politics' and 'EU membership' - Turkish accession to the EU?! Kosovo's independence from Serbia?! Visa-free travel for Albania and Bosnia?! Is Macedonia the only Balkan state who hasn't applied for the EU!? Why is it at loggerheads with Greece over a name...?! It feels like since Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007, we've gone no further in trying to discover what lies beyond this complex Balkan hyperbole. What does the Balkan and Turkey region actually mean for young Europeans? From October 2010, we're tearing down the mountains to visit eight capitals from the Balkans and Turkey to enlarge our minds - and not just the European Union. WITH YOU! Live from Tirana and Belgrade to Istanbul and Podgorica, join us to demystify south-eastern Europe via a series of written or photographed features from a young, pan-European, citizen journalist perspective. Talk to the people; uncover the issues which might just show us that maybe EU citizens should be trying to join the Balkans, not vice versa.  This year Turkey is the setting for potential participants having an opportunity to meet one another, share ideas. The mission will run with a monthly online publication of special editions of your investigations and photo reports. The mission ends with a bang in a photo exhibition in May 2011, featuring you as guests, and the best of the year's reports. Before we talk cocktails in Paris in September 2011 though, we need to know who's in, and what coverage you can help us to bring to the Balkans/ Turkey -. Send us your CV, links to other reports you have done and one paragraph on how you're going to Balkan-ise/ Turk-ify Nabeelah Shabbir/ [email protected] Take two minutes to answer our short survey and help us know more about you:

The mission starts with a bang at our annual summer university in October. APPLY TODAYCLICK HERE