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Wanto to volunteer to Sarajevo Film Festival???? Deadline is soon!!!!

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Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) is one of the biggest events in the city!!!! People from all over the world come to present its new cinema creations. Would you like to take part of such a nice event? The organization of SFF accepts people from all over, although the acommodation and travel fees are not covered.

But, it is a great moment to discover Sarajevo for the foreigners and a ideal time for the locals to enjoy their city. It takes part from 22nd to 30th July.

If you want to volunteer, you have to be fast in submit your application (the deadline is on 15th June). But is easy: you just have to enter in the following link and send you application:

After thaat, you have to send a mail to with your CV.

Good luck!!!!

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