Video: the Czech Republic sugar with their upcoming EU presidency
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Nabeelah ShabbirThe Czech Republic's TV advert reminds us of their upcoming six month presidency of the EU, and sees them toying with their eurosceptic image
Surprisingly, the Czech Republic have decided to lighten up on the stake they usually anti-claim; deepening integration in the European Union. It got to the point where outspoken eurosceptic president Václav Klaus even warned Czechs that like a sugar cube in a coffee cup, their country risked ‘dissolving’ into the EU.
Czech publicists have obviously jumped on the analogy for the concept of the short. The Czech Republic wants to ‘make it sweet’ for Europe, when they take over the EU presidency from January to the end of June 2009. The press has widely reported how in Czech, the idiom also means ‘giving someone a hard time.’
Translated from Chequia no quiere estar siempre de mala leche