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Image for Valérie Trierweiler,  Youporn ambassador?

Valérie Trierweiler,  Youporn ambassador?

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Two Quickies a day keep the doctor away

Youporn wants to make françois Hol­lande's ex their am­bas­sador

Fol­low­ing her trau­matic Jan­u­ary break up with French Pres­i­dent François Hol­lande, the porn site YouPorn has lined Valérie Trierweiler up as a pos­si­ble am­bas­sador. A YouPorn rep­re­sen­ta­tive told the news­pa­per Libéra­tion, "Now that she's sin­gle, she is per­haps fa­mil­iar with what what we offer on our sites." The porn site noted that François Hol­lande him­self would have been an ideal can­di­date but his work oblig­a­tions al­ready take up too much time.

Read francetv­info.​fr on 10/02.

Pen­guins on anti-de­pres­sants in britaIN

Ap­par­ently pen­guins get the win­ter blues too. A ma­rine sanc­tu­ary in the north east of Eng­land has put twelve of their Hum­boldt Pen­guins on anti-de­pres­sants. The lit­tle black and white beasts wouldn't go swim­ming be­cause they had be­come so frus­trated by Britain's bad weather. How about try­ing group ther­apy?

Read on wykop.​pl on 10/02.

Translated from Valérie Trierweiler, ambassadrice de YouPorn ?