Translator of the month!
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Since Maria-Christina Doulami debuted with her first cafébabel translation in May, she has already made a visible impact. Thanks to her, cafébabel readers can now enjoy a wider selection of articles from the French and Spanish versions. She is a dreamer and lover of languages who aims to travel Europe...
Cafébabel: Describe yourself in three words…
Active, detail-oriented, enthusiastic
CB: What do you do in life in terms of work/study?
I work in media affairs, particularly with EU-related projects. This involves media monitoring, drafting and editing political reports and various texts, and preparing communication strategies. I also work as a freelance journalist, editor and translator and I frequently write (reflections, fiction, poetry) on my blog. Of course I never stop learning, particularly languages, and have set it as my target to learn Portuguese.
CB: What’s your favourite dish?
Green beans cooked in tomato sauce with potatoes and served with feta cheese.
CB: Your favourite European nationality? Why?
I would say any Mediterranean nationality – Greek, Spanish, Italian. I think these nationalities have a more authentic take on what life is all about and no matter their troubles still manage to survive and enjoy those little things that make life worthwhile.
CB: When did you do your first translation for Cafébabel?
25 May 2014. It was an article written by a friend I met during the EUtopia Strasbourg project and what made it so special was that I actually got to experience the agony behind the research before the writing process could occur.
CB: The craziest dream you’ve ever had?With eyes open or closed? I tend to dream a lot both awake and asleep. While awake I would say the craziest dream would be to travel the world non-stop while writing (something which I still want to do). While asleep, it would be running through a flaming smoky building with a little bunny in my arms.
CB: In one word, what does Cafébabel mean to you?
CB: If you had to choose a favourite Cafébabel magazine section, article and author…
This is a tough one. My favourite Cafébabel magazine section is Society, although I also enjoy reading the Politics section as well. I don’t have a favourite article as I have read many that are truly exceptional. Same goes for favourite author too, although I particularly liked Alexander Damiano Ricci’s style, there are many others with excellent contributions.
CB: The most stupid thing you’ve done in your life?
When I was very young my grandmother was ironing and she left the iron standing for a minute to go to the kitchen. She told me specifically not to touch it because it is hot. You didn’t need to tell me twice. I pressed my palm straight onto the burning iron. That’s something (stupid) I will never do again.
CB: The best place you’ve been in Europe so far? Why is it the best?
I think the entire continent is an amazing place. If I had to single out one place I would say Vienna. It has something regal about it, as if of another era, and you can feel its majestic air encircle you from the minute you arrive.
CB: A city in Europe you would like to visit… Why do you want to go there?
Just one? There are so many! Prague and Budapest top the list. I have heard so much about these beautiful cities that I have to go and see myself. Plus they belong to countries that have managed to keep a “quieter” profile compared to say France or Spain or Germany and thus it may be difficult to get to know a lot about what goes on there unless you actually visit them first-hand.
CB: What does Europe mean to you?
Europe means freedom to travel, make friends and expand your family. It means being able to widen your horizons and understand that despite the diversity we are in fact stronger when united.