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Trans-mediterranean cinema festival

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JSeb 2.0

La Parisienne of cafébabel

In partnership with the Paris cinema Festival, the Institute of the Arabic World will welcome Les Nuits de la Caravane of the Euro-Arabic Cinema from July 4 to July 14.
This initiative, which is also supported by the European Commission through its Euromed Audiovisual II program, is meant to bring people to discover the Southern Europe Mediterranean culture through the ''Septième art.

'' This will be a good opportunity to trespass usual thinking and to look deeper into the issue of the Euro-North African dialogue, when a certain president is speaking about a Mediterranean Union.

The first movie is scheduled for July 4, 10.00 p.m. with DUNIA (Kiss me not on the eyes), dealing with the difficulties encountered by a young Arts student in Egypt to find her way in a changing society.


At the Institute of the Arabic World Single price : 4 € - Under 12 years old : 3 € - Ciné Pass Paris Cinéma accepted. Information : 01 40 51 38 38

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