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Th!nk - new forum for free journalism

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Ari Rusila


Media is one of the most powerful factors in modern politics. It can help to start wars – like Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq – and it can also help to sop them like in case of Vietnam. Free and investigative journalism is a key element for implementing democratic ideals and for participatory process of social development. As EU Parliament Elections are coming a new campaign called TH!

NK ABOUT IT will be launched to improve free journalism in Europe.

In January 09 the site will be launch with goal to get Europeans to express their views, reports, critique on Europe. Some 50 bloggers are participating for first Europe-wide blogging competition during first halve of year 2009 with aim to get Europeans to TH!NK ABOUT IT. The idea is to establish a dynamic community of bloggers, journalists and journalism students, a forum and a creative portal.

The European Journalism Centre (EJC) is facilitator of this campaign. EJC is an independent, international, non-profit institute dedicated to the highest standards in journalism, primarily through the further training of journalists and media professionals.

One aim is to inspire youth involvement with the 2009 Parliamentary Elections of EU. In spite of this the campaign will cover issues Europe wide so the campaign, issues and debate is not limited inside EU member-states. EJC has already earlier had training and campaigns outside EU such as “Competition for Investigative Journalists from West Balkans”. I wish all the best for this campaign and hope that as its outcome we can enjoy more critical and multi-sided journalism in future.

Ari Rusila

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