The 'Road Map': a Palestinian State by the end of 2005
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After Iraq, George Bush had promised a 'road map for the final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict'. Below are the principle points.
On April 30th 2003 the US, the EU, the Russian Federation and the UN, reunited within the 'Quartet', sent a 'road map for now until 2005 for the final and complete settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict' to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. After the start of the second Intifada on September 28th 2000 and the abandonment of the Oslo peace process begun in 1993, this plan brings together several diplomatic initiatives, including the Tenet Plan and the Mitchell Plan proposed in 2001 and 2002. In concrete terms, this initiative contains three stages:
Between now and the end of May 2003 the two parties to set about ending the violence:
- The Palestinians to put an immediate and unconditional end to the violence.
- Resumption of Israeli-Palestinian security co-operation.
- The Palestinians to begin comprehensive political reforms: adoption of a constitution, organisation of free, open and fair elections.
- Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian zones occupied since September 2000.
- Israel to freeze all colonialist activies (including the natural extension of the existing colonies) and to dismantle immediately the colonies constructed since March 2001.
Transition phase between June and December 2003:
- The second phase starts with the correct organisation of the Palestinian elections and ends with the possible creation of an independent state with provisional borders. An international conference will follow to support Palestinian economic recovery.
- Resumption of multi-lateral negotiations on issues such as water, the environment, economic development, refugees and control of weapons.
Third phase: final agreement and the end of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2004-2005.
- Consolidation of reform and stabilisation of the Palestinian institutions.
- Second international conference which will launch the process leading to the adoption of the final and permanent statute up to 2005, settling problems over borders, Jerusalem, refugees and colonies.
In the preamble, the Quartet insist on a 'realistic calendar for its execution. Nevertheless, being based on concrete measures, its progression will necessitate and depend on the good faith of the parties...If the parties fulfil their obligations quickly, the completion of each stage and the passage from one to the next could occur earlier than anticipated in the plan. Non-respect of obligations will hold up the process.
Translated from La « Feuille de route » : un Etat palestinien à la fin 2003