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Image for 'The reunion', Hideous madnessodiosa loca

'The reunion', Hideous madnessodiosa loca

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Who has not been victim or executioner during his childhood in school? Who has not felt misgivings in spite of adult age? If anyone present is free of sin, raise his hand in the movie theatre or street forever. This is how I felt after watching The Reunion, the worst film I have seen in my life.

Film In­for­ma­tion

Coun­try: Sue­cia

Year : 2013

Di­rec­tor: Anna Odell

Length: 83 min­u­tos

Cast: Ana Odell

Script: Anna Odell

Pho­tog­ra­phy: Ragna Jorm­ing

Pro­ducer: Mathilde Dedye

Co­pro­ducer: Gun­nar Carls­son

Stu­dio/Pro­ducer: French Quar­ter Film, Sveriges Tele­vi­sion AB-SVT~~

Who has not been victim or executioner during his childhood in school? Who has not felt misgivings in spite of adult age? If anyone present is free of sin, raise his hand in the movie theatre or street forever. This is how I felt after watching The Reunion, the worst film I have seen in my life, and in fact, it could not have been in another section of the European Film Festival of Seville. It was placed in the “Nuevas Olas” section.

Her pro­tag­o­nist and prin­ci­pal ac­tress, Anna Odell is ac­cented in dark humor is sim­ply a pigswill. It is his great­est work, and sin­cerely, I do not know if there will be fu­tur­is­tic ad­jec­tives for “opera” in the fu­ture. It seems that Anna Odell, who rep­re­sents ma­jes­ti­cally her own and un­sta­ble Anna Odell (best known in Swe­den for hav­ing gone through a month in a men­tal asy­lum ex­per­i­ment­ing in “aras” of the art) has not over­come the child­hood is­sues, in many oc­ca­sions cruel and stu­pid, that every­one, ab­solutely, have gone through the first years of school.

The set­ting of this film is a re­union of old friends or­ga­nized by one of the friend’s group lead­ers who, it seems, never treated as Anna ex­pected he should have been taken care­fully cared in the past. A movie, on a movie whose cast main­tains ex­actly the same names of those hated char­ac­ters in Anna Odell’s life… yes Sr., you have not missed, a movie about a movie…a meta­movie a bout a hideous lu­natic. To make un­com­fort­able com­ments, but when these are out of con­text, ac­com­pa­nied of look that leaves you feel­ing ner­vous and cold, the 88 min­utes of this film be­come in­tol­er­a­ble. I only have one thing to say, ¡Get over it looser!

I al­most for­got…18 min­utes be­fore this rot­ten dish, one has to suf­fer a bit more with Thir­teen Blue, an in­com­pre­hen­si­ble Greek short, and not by its mar­velous com­plex lan­guage, but by its in­sult­ing ar­gu­ment: fam­ily cen­tered in the preg­nancy of one of their daugh­ters, she has an abor­tion and one of her sis­ters, si­lenc­ing, with an ap­par­ent state of men­tal af­fec­ta­tion, goes to­wards the sea in an in­fi­nite blue that gives the name to this night­mare “blue”, ah! and “thir­teen”, from her ado­les­cent age, in my opin­ion.

Translated from 'The reunion', odiosa loca