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Image for The Parisian Corner agenda : from October 15 to October 22

The Parisian Corner agenda : from October 15 to October 22

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JSeb 2.0

La Parisienne of cafébabel

This week, an electric program for every taste !

Exhibitions :

International Fair ofContemporary Art (FIAC).

The 35th editionof the Fiac will be held jointly at the Grand Palais and in the Cour Carrée ofthe Louvres from the 18th to the 22nd of October 2007. Likeevery year, this commercial and artistic event will group together artist ofall kind, French and foreigners.

Full fare: 25 euros.Reduced Fare: 12.50 (art students and holders of the Louvres jeunes card)

Grand Palais: Avenue WinstonChurchill, 75008 Paris

Underground station: line1 & 13 – stop Champs Elysées Clémenceau.

Cour Carrée du Louvre:rue de rivoli, 75001 Paris

Free shuttles serve bothsites

For more information andto obtain the exhibitors’ list :

Gunther Forg at theLelong Gallery

The gallery presentpaintings, watercoulours, photographs and prints of the german artist, who wasinflunced by the American abstract art.

To be seen until the 20thof October.

Galerie lelong: 13 rue deTeheran, 75008 Paris

Undergroung station :Mirosmenil

Tuesday, Wednesday, thursdayand Friday from 10 :30am to 6 :30pm

Saturday: from 2pm to6:30pm

For more information:

Conferences : 

        “No more oil…but some ideas” at 6:30pm on the 16th of October

The fight against theclimatic change, the energetic safety and the competitivity of the French companieswithin Europe will be at the heart of thisdebate, as well as the ticklish question of clean energy.

MEDE: 55 avenue Bosquet,75007 Paris

Undergruond station: AlmaMarceau

For more information:

Cinema :

          This is England –Shane Meadows

In 1983, Shaun, 12 yearsold, lives with his mother in the  north of England. He meets a group ofskinheads with whom he will discover parties, first love and Doc Martens, butalso violence and racism.

A very good movie “madein great Britain” to be seen urgently in all the good cinemas!


 Tribute to Lajtha at theHungarian Instititute at 8pm on the 15th of October

With the occasion of the115th anniversary of Laszlo Lajtha’s birthday (1812 –1863), 4 famous musicians tribute to the Hungarian composer, whose art hasenabled the international recognition of the Hungarian music of the 20thcentury: Imre Kovacs(flute), Jozsefkiss (oboe), Laszlo Horvath (clarinette) andSandor Tamas (bassoon)

Institut hongrois: 92 rueBonaparte, 75006 Paris

Underground station :ST Sulpice

For more information :

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