The ECI Summit, Brussels, An Assessment of the first ECIs launched under Art. 47.4 of the Constitutional Treaty
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The ECI Summit gathered European Citizen's Initiatives who seek to collect signatures for campaigns on improving the lives of Europeans in many different ways- only problem is that the legal framework was introduced in the Constitutional Treaty... in other words, it is non-existing. So what can they do now? And what can cafebabel, a magazine seeking to create a European Public Opinion, do for them?
The summit was therefore an opportunity to outline needs one should consider when launching a campaign for signatures:
Network mobilization Widespread and massive communication Thorough explanation of the issue at stakeMost importantly: validation of signatures.As there is no current European legal framework for the validation of signatures, it is a problem for European Citizens' Initiatives to have a resounding voice when in front of the European Commission. In June will therefore give these initiatives the possibility to launch petitions and make sure European Citizens' Initiatives have a voice despite Art 47.4 of the Constitutional Treaty resting in peace.For more information on current ECIs, please click on the following links:, Campaign for a Europe-wide referendum on the EU Constitution, "1million4disability"