And what we have all seen today is enough to think that the old, good old times might be back! Hopefully no one forgot about what is happened here, in this used-to-be hospital, cimitery, parking lot and hell knows what else...Ancient walls coming out from nothing () and garbage bags daily filled in with skulls and bones massively gained the attention of the public for a while...
yes, right untill many people understood that, no matter what they think, the view of Nevskij and the Old Town, one of the best perspectives of the city, will not be saved from that bizzarre cross some intrepidous people are building right now and there is no hope to enjoy those stairs and small towers found next to Moskva Café nor the big walls in front of the Yellow Church.
Bizzarre...sometimes, looking at the aestetic of the square, I think the people who planned Vabaduse valjak really hated it. An R-Kiosk right in the middle, a Gotham-city style building on a side (Tallinn City Hall), the yellow the monument...Even a photographer I had to spend some days with, he confessed me: "Before coming to Tallinn, I checked some info on internet and I found the webcam in this square. I loooked at it all around and then I thought...and people told me Tallinn is beautiful...!"Mah.Anyways!Luckily today we also had the chance to forget about this all and get back to some dear, old fun thanks to the interesting equipment the workers down here are using: what do you think, should we go downstairs and try to discover what is inside the box?