The Babelpost is back!
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Hello everyone! The Babelpost is your weekly cafebabel.com newsletter with fresh info on babelblogs and community stuff. Read it. It’s made for you!
From now on, I'm going to post here every week the top 10 of the most visited blogs, the top 3 of the most read articles and a short focus on the blog of the week (the one appearing on the front page of the magazine). What blogs did you read most?
1. Arirusila has been our most read blogger for a while now! he writes mostly about the West Balkans and the Middle East, where there's always a lot going on!
2. Strasbourg has recently hosted the Europe forum and it was a blasting success! Find them on facebook.
3. Brussels
4. Berlin
6. Paris is active again! A new team is ready to take over Paris! Contact me if you want to be a part of it!
7. Athens
8. Budapest
9. Sofia
What articles were the most successful?
1. Why German men don't flirt? Our ever lasting number one article! If you still haven't read it, it's time!
2. A look back on the 2010 Model European Union. They achieved a great success and we were partners.
3. Lady Gaga by Ben Heine. Check out some nice celebrities portraits by the artist Ben Heine.
The Blog of the week is from Brussels.
They faced burning news this week, as their government resigned on the eve of taking over european presidency. Great coverage!
Last but not least, if you have five minutes, please fill out the questionnaire I set up for you guys.
It'll be very helpful for the General Assembly at the end of May.
Cheers and see you next week,
Jean, your community manager