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Image for The Artivist: the vulva like you've never seen it before

The Artivist: the vulva like you've never seen it before

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In her project 'Vulva la Vita', the Belgian artist Victoria Debarre set out to demonstrate the diversity of the female sex organ. Starting with pictures of her friends' vulvas, she created illustrated stickers which she then put up across public spaces. In this interview with 'The Artivist' she talks about social norms, graffiti culture and the need to confront prejudices about women's bodies.

You can follow Victoria's Instagram account 'Vulva la Vita' here.

For more videos from The Artivist check out our Youtube channel.

Story by

Léa Marchal

Babélienne depuis 2018, je suis désormais éditrice pour le nouveau média, et journaliste freelance dans les affaires européennes. J'ai piloté la série d'articles multimédia Generation Yerevan, ainsi que le podcast Soupe à l'Union, publiés sur Cafébabel.

Margot Houget

Former master student in journalism at the ULB (Brussels) and BA at Universität Augsburg, Germany

Translated from La vulve sous toutes les coutures avec Victoria Debarre