The Adventure: A story of three young refugees in Greece
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CafébabelTrapped in Greece. They can neither cross the border nor legally work in the country without obtaining refugee status. The answer? Leave under the radar. Our partners at 99.media follow three young African migrants in their search for security in The Adventure. The full documentary, now showing on cafébabel.
European legislation forces refugees who set foot on EU soil to stay in the country in which they arrive. As a consequence, there are thousands who currently find themselves trapped in Greece, faced with the immense difficulties of obtaining a precious “pink card” that can justify their refugee status, allowing them to work legally. Such things don’t come easily, and while waiting their turn, refugees live in deplorable conditions.
Out partners at 99.media followed three young migrants from the Ivory Coast over the course of a year. The documentary, titled The Adventure, tells the story of their journey towards Western Europe, where each attempt at a border crossing becomes a question of survival. Abused and deceived, their trek is a constant battle; luck and obsession are their only weapons.
Over the next few weeks, cafébabel will be showcasing documentary films produced by our partner, the multilingual video platform 99.media.
Translated from 'La aventura' de los inmigrantes en Grecia