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Tallinn Guide: UpUp Lounge

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Service: 2,5 Not bad nor good. It took a while to be noticed during a crowded Saturday night and even a bit more to get our drinks, but the guy who served us was surely polite enough to let the mark  rise of half a point.

Let's be clear, in another country the way he took the orders and brought us our Martini would be considered nothing more than average but, unfortunately, Tallinn is not anywhere in the world when it comes to service.

Place: 2

Terribly dark and noisy, UpUp is not exactly the place where to go for chatting with friends or special ones. But people do not care too much about that, it seems. Otherwise not so many people would have been so concentrate on watching FashionTv on the big screens on the wall instead of talking with their friends.

Interiors are nice and the black-green combination is surely interesting, but maybe some more lights would help us to fully appreciate the hard work of their interior designer.

Drinks: 3

Cocktails are good and generous, true. But is hard to enjoy something when the place became almost painful. Too big distance from the different sides of the table and uselessly loud lounge music are not the best condition for appreciating anything.

Price: 2,5

Average again. Once Kaheksa Lounge was the pricey-exclusive place where people wanted to be seen while holding a big mojito, right now times are changed and pricelists got used to this new, common trend of trying to reach the 100EEK (6Eur). Which makes UpUp the place where to try one – maximum two -  drinks, but surely not the place where to get wasted without caring about the bank account.

Overall: 2,5

If I would have to suggest a friend where to go for a glass of something, it would surely not be UpUp. Although, I have to recognize that the place is not bad, especially for those people looking for some nice, high-heeled blond girls. For eyes only, because I never had the impression that it could be the most appropriate place where to look for anything more.

Still, not a bad choice for people in the early twenties willing to play the VIPs for a night.