Sziget festival starts 16th time today
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Another year has been passed. Since its the first weeks of August it's time to visit Sziget, one of the best ones of European music festials. Tough this year cafebabel.com and the Budapest team won't be present we will not miss to follow what's going on in Hajógyári sziget, the island in the heart of Budapest. Despite previous years this year the official Sziget programme lasts only 5 days.
Besides, the festival had been already started on Monday with the minus 1 day, when starts and icons of Hungarian music gathered together on main stage to provide something unique on the day of Hungarian songs. The goal of this new initiation was on the one hand to popularize Hungarian music inland and to enlist domestic music-fans' interest in Hungarian songs. Besides it was a test as well if next year a whole festival could be organised in this theme, separate from the Sziget.
Yesterday, on the null day Iron Maiden has hammered on the main stage for lovers of heavy metal.
It's interesting to see that tough the festival lasts only for 5 days, the same number of programmes is provided, around 400. With the colourful programme and hundreds of possibilities of entertainment, this festival is really the one where everyone finds means of feeling good.
As during the past year Sziget has become quite popular beyond the frontiers of Hungary as well, this time around 40 thousands foreigners are expected to come. Moreover organisers hope that alike last year all together 400 thousands people will attend the 5-day happening.
As myself, I will visit the festival tomorrow, and will come back to you with some personal experiences afterwards.