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29 June 2007 We received this by a former peace volunteers in Palestine. Palestinians from Susiya face threat of eviction
On 6 June, the Israeli high court lifted the temporary injunction that that had prevented the Israeli military from performing evacuations and home demolitions in the Palestinian village of Susiya since 2001.
The high court gave the village leaders thirty days to present a map of the area--showing the existing structures and areas where villagers want to build houses--to the Israeli Civil Administration (or District Coordination Office--DCO.) According to the court, after the thirty days those who have submitted plans will have an additional forty-five day grace period in which demolitions will not be carried out, after which time the decision to evict or not evict will be left up to the DCO.
The judges said that the court had requested the map of the area six months ago and had not received it. However, a villager told CPTers that the village leadership had already submitted maps on two different occasions and the DCO had rejected them due to small technicalities.
The villagers hired engineers to fulfill all the request of the judges. On 25 June the DCO ordered the Israeli soldiers to stop the engineers.
On 6 July, Susiya could be destroyed.
The Israeli pacifist of Ta'ayush launched a petion to support the fate of the villagers.
drawing by Gianluca Costantini