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Image for 'Speak Up!', cafebabel journalism conference in Paris, 7-12 March (closed)

'Speak Up!', cafebabel journalism conference in Paris, 7-12 March (closed)

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inside cafébabel is proud to present ‘Speak Up!’, a 5-day series of pan-European citizen journalism training conferences Are you a citizen journalist or a blogger? Do you volunteer for citizen media projects? Do you want to improve your journalistic skills? Our training sessions are designed for you! Why should you register for 'Speak Up!'? cafebabel.

com’s series of training seminars is the perfect opportunity for you to improve your knowledge of participatory media, share best-practice cases with citizen journalism experts and improve your writing skillswith other passionate colleagues, who will be attending from all over Europe.

You’ll also pick up techniques on how to make your articles more European reader-friendly and experience how to write a real-time feature report ‘on the ground’ in Paris.


7-12 March 2012 (full attendance for the five-days mandatory)


Paris, France

At the FIAP Jean Monnet and the Foundation for the Progress of Humankind

If you speak English and want to improve your journalistic skills in a dynamic multicultural environment for five whole days in Paris, hosted by, don’t wait any longer!

Application deadlines: 7 February

'Speak Up!' is co-financed by the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme (Grundtvig) for adult education.