Sparking trend-shifting business practices: Building green entrepreneurship for the future !
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Are you young and passionate about making a change for the better in our world? Are you driven by vision, curiosity, and ambition?Are you looking for green entrepreneurs to support you or to exchange ideas and information with? The Generation Europe Foundation (GEF) launches a platform to help you in building up innovative green entrepreneurship!
The GrEen forum is a world-wide online community bringing together innovative mind-shifters to anchor the challenges of social, economic and environmental sustainability as the new threshold of business practices.
Overtime the GrEen forum is striving to bridge Vision with Experience, by gathering young innovators with top-end business players! Making cracking innovations not a mere utopia but a sound and socially-driven business venture!
Join in the Online Co-creation Community and engage in GrEen’s creative process to enact tomorrow’s business-shifting innovations!
You want to be part of GreEn’s change-making mission ! You’d like conventional business players to hear out what young entrepreneurs about sustainable innovations! Make the GrEen forum your space and join them on December 8th-10th for a high-impact and unprecedented forum on youth and green entrepreneurship in Brussels!
Contact GEF: