Shake up Europe! What's next?
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Laura PerretShake up Europe 2015 was only the beginning! Relive those 4 days of seminars in Brussels where we discussed youth projects from fundraising, project elaboration and boosting our community of volunteers.
We are now back from our seminar Shake up Europe!, and we are very excited! This year, we gathered 44 participants from all over Europe for 4 days in Brussels. These inspired days of meetings and exchanges have enriched and allowed us to reinforce our network. Around a drink or a notebook, we exchanged our development and management skills, to see we can elaborate upon communication methods and allow better coordination of our network.
But that's not all! We also debated about youth engagement in Europe. Participants had to analyse youth engagement in their own country, their motivations but also what stop them through key words. We are proud to introduce the result of this passionate discussion through the following interactive map. Click on it to discover the thoughts and concerns of our 44 European participants!
We also invite you to discover the faces of our wonderful Babelians present at Shake up Europe! on our Tumblr.
From these 4 days, we will remember: enthusiastic meetings, funny jokes, the community's feelings, promising exchanges, shared knowledge through presentations and small workshops, freedom of speech and open talks about new projects and fruitful collaborations in the future.
For all these reasons, we want to say thank you to all participants for their presence, their participation and their enthusiasm.
Do you want to contribute with your ideas and talents? Join the adventure by sending an email to Laura, our new project manager.
This project has been fund by Erasmus+.
Translated from Shake up Europe, la suite !