Sense in the City: the cities of the future won't be how you imagine
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Amanda Maruny PazWhat if 2020 marked the rebirth of our cities as spaces that could finally enable people to reshape society and live in a more rewarding manner? In collaboration with n-ost and a select group of cross-border journalists, Cafébabel introduces the Sense in the City project which brings a new meaning to the city as we know it.
Many Europeans agree that their neighbourhood is gradually losing its 'spirit of place' (what the Romans called 'genius loci'), and that their city’s soul, which makes them feel at home, is under threat. How might urban citizens claim their cities back, to make them more social, more just and more desirable places to live?
Through proposals regarding the better use of public space, mobility within the city and citizen participation, Sense in the City sketches the outline of an ideal city. One that respects the environment and gives citizens the attention they deserve.
So what are you waiting for? Check out the stories on the Sense in the City microsite now!

The Sense in the City project is led by journalists Ivo Alho Cabral (Spain), Julien Marcy (Luxembourg) and Mathilde Dorcadie (France).
This editorial project was made possible thanks to n-ost and the Robert Bosch foundation, through the 'Reporters in the Field' grant.
Translated from Sense in the City : la ville de demain n'est pas celle que vous croyez