Second Home – Photography Contest about Social Mobility and Migration in Europe
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Apply now and win 500 Euro!
Trying to find a better place to live and work has always been an important trigger for people to move to another city or country. Economical, social, political and cultural dynamics have always been the reason for streams of migrations that as a result have changed the social life of entire continents.
Nowadays, many young people within Europe decide to leave their countries in order to find better professional opportunities and a second home elsewhere. Starting a new life abroad is seen by many as a great opportunity and a chance at a better future. At the same time it is not always easy and poses major personal and professional challenges. Migrants always take on their luggage diverse cultural practices. They also carry high education profiles and valuable know-how. The prospect of precarious working conditions is now spread all over the economic European landscape and it doesn’t seem to constitute a STOP sign. What drives this generation into their Second Home?
The Babel Migration Group is regularly conducting interviews with migrants from all over Europe that had to leave their country for professional reasons. The Babel Deutschland association would like to make the Project more visible with a Photography Contest. Therefore we announce a call for contributions addressed to photographers based all over Europe, challenging their creativity by portraying stories of social mobility and migration.
The call starts on September 2nd and will be open until November 15, 2013. You can submit one single picture or a series of a maximum of five photographs. The contest is open to professionals but also to amateur photographers who want to share a story in their own pictures. The best photo or photo-report will be awarded with 500 EUR. The prize will be awarded by a jury of two professional photographers, one Babel Migration Project member, one guest journalist and one young professional living abroad. We will publish the photographs on the brand new webpage of cafebabel.com and host a photo exhibition in Berlin which will later tour other cities taking part in the project.
Participate! Check our Website secondhomecontest.wordpress.com and send an email to [email protected] We will send you further details about the procedure.
Look forward to hearing from you!