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Retro Playlist of the Week: Berlin Memories

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Berlin was retro a long time before the hipsters discovered 20s dresses and 70s lampshades. Ambling along Karl-Marx-Allee, you will feel like you stumbled into a retro filmset by mistake. Cafébabel Berlin has compiled the soundtrack that fits the trend. Because we love the retro side of the German capital just as much as everyone else. 

The infamour "Berlin air" is better than its reputation. 3 Tra­vel­lers, Eine Tüte Luft aus Ber­lin (1958).

Marlene Dietrich, eternal Queen of Retro. Mar­le­ne Diet­rich, Ich hab noch einen Kof­fer in Ber­lin (1960).

David Bowie, king of glam rock, knew way before everyone else just how cool Berlin was. David Bowie, He­roes (1987). 

Even the French simply must love Berlin - sometimes against their will and always despite Paris. Édith Piaf, L‘homme de Ber­lin (1963).

Urban myths notwithstanding, not everyone in North Germany is a fan of FKK (skinny dipping). Cor­ne­lia Fro­boess, Pack die Ba­de­ho­se ein (1951).

Berlin is so diverse that even fake Japanese glam rockers can find their niche here. Japan, Sub­ur­ban Berlin (1978). 

The most comical yet most profound music ever composed in and about Berlin. Kurt Weill, Ber­lin im Licht (1928). 

Nights in Kreuzberg kick off quite late nowadays, too, but then you're in for a blast. Ge­brü­der Blatt­schuss, Kreuz­ber­ger Näch­te (1978).

As if one Queen of Retro wasn't enough. Hilde Knef, Som­mer­spros­sen (1966).

Even 30 years later, the summer in Berlin can still be glitzy. Al­phav­ille, Sum­mer in Berlin (1984). 

There is only one Berlin - and it will always be magical. Clai­re Wald­off, Es gibt nur ein Ber­lin (1931).

Translated from Retro-Playlist der Woche: Berlin Memories