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Remember 1989 (by Nabeelah)

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Gabriel Bejan on the festering wounds of Romania's revolution (România Liberă)

Twenty-one years ago on December 21 violent protests against the Ceauşescu regime began in Bucharest which hailed the end of the dictatorship.

Romania will be hounded by its past as long as it fails to resolve the problems bound up with it, writes Gabriel Bejan in the daily România Liberă: "We still passionately discuss the revolution because we don't know what happened back then. For example after the flight of the Ceauşescu couple on 22 December 1989 over a thousand people died, but no one was condemned for this or even put on trial. The subject was deliberately buried, probably forever. But it leaves an open wound that is festering and flares up every year in December. ... The past won't leave us in peace. ... Moreover our relation to the past is an old ailment of our politicians, even the young ones. They look back because it's even harder to look to the future and make plans as long as the present isn't secured: by good and long-lasting laws, an effective administration and reforms." (21/12/2010) » full article (external link, Romanian) More from the press review on the subject » History, » Weltanschauung, » Remembrance culture, » Romania All available articles from » Gabriel Bejan