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Image for Racist British soldier is not 'really racist' because his parents are to blame for his racism

Racist British soldier is not 'really racist' because his parents are to blame for his racism

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Two Quick­ies a day keep the doc­tor away.

French TV show at­tacked by min­is­ters for ed­u­cat­ing so­ci­ety in drug use

Do you know the dif­fer­ence be­tween hash  and green? Well if you don't, watch 'Plus belle la vie' and all will be ex­plained. Dubbed 'dope for dum­mies' by me, my­self and I, it seems es­sen­tial view­ing for any­body un­able to make this es­sen­tial dis­tinc­tion. Danièle Jour­dain-Men­ninger, pres­i­dent of France's in­ter­min­is­te­r­ial com­mit­tee against drug use, dis­puted the ed­u­ca­tional value of the pro­gramme, which was seen by 5 mil­lion peo­ple. In the episode, which was aired 3 March, a young­ster teaches his step-mother to dis­tin­guish be­tween dif­fer­ent types of cannabis.

Read on le Monde on 12/3/2014

The vows of Manuel Valls

Racist British sol­dier spared prison be­cause he was 'raised a racist'

Teenage British sol­dier, War­ren But­ler, 19, posted a racist Face­book hate mes­sage about a Pak­istani tod­dler mur­dered in Ed­in­burgh. His Face­book sta­tus, "F****** LOL to that p*** found dead", pro­voked out­rage, but a court spared him a jail term be­cause he was raised racist by his par­ents, and can there­fore not be held fully ac­count­able for his racism. Ac­cept­ing this kind of de­ter­min­is­tic de­fence seems like a dan­ger­ous can of worms to open. Where does it stop? Surely every­one's be­hav­iour is a prod­uct of their up­bring­ing to some ex­tent?

Read on Daily Mail 12/3/2014

Translated from Quand « Plus belle la vie » donne des cours de drogue