Quickies: Say no to food porn
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Two Quickies a day keep the doctor away
Facebook knows everything
Facebook knows when you fall in love and when you break up. The social media site's Valentine's Day research clearly demonstrates the extent of Facebook's understanding of your life, even the most personal issues. "About half of all Facebook relationships that have survived three months are likely to survive to four years or longer", is one of the pieces of wisdom yielded by the research.
Read on giornalettismo.com 17/02.
Say no to food porn!
A leading group of French chefs have protested against the growing culture of 'food porn', whereby diners spend time photographing their food instead of eating it. They used to snap their friends and family, but now they snap their food. Food is for eating, not looking at, and the chefs feel that food porn culture is an insult to their art.
Read on telegraph.co.uk 17/02.