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Quickies of the week (13.01. - 17.01.)

Published on

Translation by:

Joel Lewin


Cafébabel brings you the weirdest, most wonderful news in briefs. Remember, two quickies a day keep the doctor away.


The Refugee Project

The Refugee Project, an initiative set up by Hyperakt, business from New York, has mapped out the precise numbers of refugees flowing through the world today. In 2012, there were 14 Finnish refugees, compared with 5 million Afghans. Where do you think is the quieter place to live?

Life On Mars

Life on Mars- we have lift off. According to NASA, whose secret information is as secret as the sun, there are rats living on Mars. The international space agency had tried to keep the information secret, says the Polish daily which broke the story. But how do they survive and how long have they been there? We are just as eager as you to find out the rest.

Read on   17/1/2013


Dutch Pris­on­ers to Pay for their stay

Dutch pris­on­ers are to be obliged to pay 16 euros per night for the priv­i­lege of stay­ing in prison. The gov­ern­ment an­tic­i­pates the scheme will save the state 60 mil­lion euros per year.

Read on TF1.​fr 16/1/2014

Mon­keys banned from ba­nanas

Paign­ton Zoo in Devon, UK has banned their mon­keys from eat­ing ba­nanas for health rea­sons. The mon­keys are in­stead given leafy veg­eta­bles and sprouts. A spokesman ex­plained that ba­nanas grown for human con­sump­tion are sweeter than wild ba­nanas so they rot the mon­keys teeth and can lead to di­a­betes.

Read on CNN.​com 16/1/2014


Selfie + farmer  = FELFIE

Every­body loves self­ies. But how would you call a selfie of a farmer with his/her live­stock? I'll tell you. A felfie. In Ire­land they are so viral that even a com­pe­ti­tion for the best felfie was re­cently or­ga­nized there. Among the win­ners there was a woman who posed with a goose and an axe."

Run­ning from the rain

Two British teenagers ran away from school in the night and fled to the car­ribean to es­cape the rain. The 16 year olds from Stony­hurst Col­lege in Lan­cashire, who said they were 'sick of the rain', are now being searched for by po­lice and their par­ents in the Do­mini­can Re­pub­lic.


Peo­ple who reg­u­larly visit a place of wor­ship are less likely to get in­volved in low level crime and delin­quency, ac­cord­ing to new re­search. A sur­vey from Man­ches­ter Uni­ver­sity found a di­rect cor­re­la­tion be­tween reg­u­lar vis­its to re­li­gious places and lower crime fig­ures, es­pe­cially in re­la­tion to shoplift­ing, drug use and music piracy.

Wal­lo­nia is Like North Korea

Some­times, com­par­isons are not con­ve­nient. ‘Wal­lo­nia is like North Korea: one party, one man’, de­clared the Bel­gian Deputy Prime Min­is­ter and Min­is­ter of For­eign Af­fairs, Di­dier Reyn­ders. The in­cen­di­ary com­ment fol­lowed the ap­pear­ance of Elio di Ruppo, the first fran­coph­one Prime Min­is­ter since 1979.

De­layed by the Stasi

In 1969, Günter Zettl- an 18-year-old stu­dent liv­ing in East Ger­many- sent a post­card to a radio sta­tion in West Ger­many. It was slightly de­layed due to being con­fis­cated by East Ger­many's se­cret ser­vices- the Stasi- and ar­rived 44 years later. Bet­ter late than never.

We don't want no Jesus Christ!

For the sec­ond year run­ning Nathan Grindal has been banned from play­ing in the dart cham­pi­onship in Mine­head, Eng­land, be­cause he looks far too much like Jesus. He was kicked out of the com­pe­ti­tion last year be­cause the spec­ta­tors would not stop chant­ing "Jesus, Jesus."

Translated from Quickies der Woche (13.01. - 17.01.)