'Pro-Moscow' Ukrainian TV boss attacked on live television
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CafébabelAs the pace of life accelerates, news stories come thicker and faster. Sometimes you, just don’t have the time to do the news properly. But we want you to keep doing it nonetheless, which is why we’re giving you the chance to indulge in some quickies. Weird and wonderful news in easily digestible bites- that’s what Cafébabel quickies are all about. Two quickies a day keep the doctor away.
Head of Ukraine TV slapped around by politicians
The head of Ukraine TV was battered and forced to resign on camera. Members of the right wing nationalist party Svoboda forced their way into the television channels's office and attacked Aleksandr Panteleymonov, the acting CEO of Ukraine's National Television Company. They accused him of diffusing pro-Moscow propaganda. It seems free speech is Ukraine's latest casualty.
Read on rfi.fr
Ikea recalls a product sold since 1996
Better late than never? Ikea today recalled their range of loft beds for children. 8 models have been recalled. A total of 2.8 million models habe been sold since 1996.
Read on today.it
Translated from La télévision ukrainienne attaquée par les nationalistes