During his European round of public glorification, the new USA
President respected the protocol spending pleasant words for each and
every country he had listed in his agenda, Estonia included.“The United States is proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Estonia as allies and friends,”
states the letter Obama wrote to President Ilves. “I extend my
heartfelt congratulations to the people of Estonia on the occasion of
the fifth anniversary of your nation’s accession to NATO.”
Unfortunately Obama’s words did not come during one of the easiest
time ever as for a country that does not perform as people would like,
as for an Atlantic Alliance too much influenced by the stomach of its
historical rival, Russia.
“The least NATO wants in order to restore confidence in its relations with Russia is that it stops bullying its neighbors,”
said the Estonian President in an interview with with Austria’s Der
Standard on Friday giving his view on the development of the Alliance
and that international order Ilves sees as significantly changed after
the Georgian conflict.
An order which the new NATO Secretary General, mr. Rasmussen, will
have to preserve and enhance, maybe even using Estonian example as the
American President suggested:” W e must continue to support those who
aspire to join NATO; Estonia’s success stands as a strong example for
others to follow”.
[Estonian Free Press]