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Prague babelblogs

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The Babelian editors of Prague belong to the six oldest local teams of this first truly European medium. We have always actively taken part in all-European debate projects of and when the blogs of particular cafebabel teams (babelblogs) were established, we knew we wanted to participate as well.

It took a while but this happens also with other projects of high quality :) CafeBabel Praha will contribute to the all-European debate not only by the articles of its members or by holding public “café” debates, but also by contributions to our local blog. What can you be looking forward to? As the title of the blog hints, we will deal mostly with commentaries of what is going on in Europe seen from a Czech perspective or of what is going in the Czech republic seen from a European perspective. You may have a right impression that contributors will be our friends and supporters from abroad, too. Therefore, we will try to translate the blog’s content to English, German and French. Of course, you will find here invitations for the events organized by CafeBabel Praha. We hope, that this place will become your favorite virtual café.